ABC’s Background Briefing finally published its in depth story on raw milk and bath milk in Australia. There was an early morning 6 minute segment that broadcasted on national radio, with the release of the full 39 minute story on the Background Briefing website, followed by an article the day after.
Adulterating beneficial methane-producing bacteria in cows a climate change solution? Think again…
The climate change wars are burning hot in Canberra as the major political parties takes aim at each other over emissions. However, we can learn from New Zealand, where methane that cattle produce is the primary target as a key climate change solution.
Why GMOs are an adulteration of nature’s perfect food and what can we do?
In some overseas countries, agribusiness is increasingly turning to natural and sustainable alternatives to chemicals, as some consumers rebuff genetically modified foods, and concerns grow over Big Ag’s role in climate change.
The Media and The Censorship of Certain Preference
The ABC’s Media Watch did a story on the blunders, bias and beat-ups - what readers really think of the media. It’s about a new Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) report on the attitudes to news today.
Raw Goats Milk in Australia
ABC’s Sami Shah interviewed Jannei Goat Dairy. Sami is concerned that raw milk is finding its way to Victorians “via a loophole”. He says raw milk contains listeria, ecoli and all sorts of dangerous health threats, however, Sami does not seem to understand the details…
Tasmania’s Regulated Raw Milk Industry
This about the time Tasmania had a raw milk industry, eventually regulated with quality controls in place. This was before the internet and before the days when the media presented a unified front and a set narrative on the matter of raw milk for human consumption.
Consumer-Connected and Industry-Connected Farmers, and the Nature of Disruption
Where will farmers get the best value? Consumer-connected farmers overseas are getting a good deal, because the direct relationship means consumers ask farmers to produce unadulterated food in pasture-based systems, and both enjoy the benefits.
What is Climate Change? A Unique Perspective and Overview.
The Global Strike 4 Climate took place in 110 towns and cities across Australia. Greta is calling for ‘system change not climate change’ as well, and recognises that changes to political, economic and social systems are essential.
Introducing potential harm and eliminating competition for certain industries with genetic modification?
Many long established food and farming systems are collapsing, and some of those who have long been demonising traditional meat and dairy, or envisioned more control of a valuable resource like the food supply, are racing in to capitalise.
Bush Summit 2019, Climate Change and Regeneration in Australia
Drought-stricken farmers and their neighbours in country communities may not have heard exactly what they wanted from the PM, but Scott Morrison did make some significant statements that the media did not pick up on in their reporting.
Antibiotic-resistant microbes: Why do we have this Man-Made Problem?
Antibiotic-resistant microbes and infections are on the rise. There is a lot of institutional divisiveness that expects us all to adhere to standards of food safety, but an ignorance of how we are mass producing resistant microbes.
The Psychology behind enabling the Raw Milk Revolution to thrive in Australia
We are currently in profound times of change, new paradigms, new ways of thinking and new ways of being. Old beliefs and illusions are dissolving and we are encouraged to transform on many layers. The consumer values and farming revolution is in progress.
Understanding ‘bath milk’ in Australia: a unique perspective.
‘Bath milk’ a very complicated issue in Australia. This subject has been shrouded in enigma for more than a decade, and is up for discussion again because of a thesis that was published earlier this month.
Farm justice for Australians
There is a call for farm justice and a food system in which family farmers can make a dignified living producing a diversity of nutritious food. It calls for structural incentives for environmentally sound production.
NSW Raw Milk Amendments and Restrictions on 'bath milk'
Raw milk supporters have been writing to us in recent months asking about the availability of Cleopatra’s in New South Wales. It seems the raw dairy products that had been available on and off for over a decade, have now again disappeared from store shelves in NSW.
Ecosystem Collapse and Climate Change in Australia
The Global Soil Health Challenge call on governments to put systems in place to put atmospheric carbon back into the soil, however Australian politicians do not seem interested.
Nutrient-dense food in Australia
Australians are coming to the realisation that our health is in crisis, because agriculture is in crisis. Food is medicine.
What raw milk cheeses will we be able to buy in the future?
Australian food authorities announced strict new import controls on all imported raw milk cheese, and the only one 'officially' recognised as permitted for sale seem to be Roquefort.
An Australian dairy farmer doing it tough on $2.46 an hour
Dairy farmers have not been getting a fair price for milk for many years and despite the drought, many are spiralling towards poverty. Farmers don’t want handouts, only a fair price.
Farmers in the face of drought and economic disadvantage
Australia has been in an agriculture crisis for many years. 100% of NSW has now officially been declared in drought. Answers are few as farmers are in survival mode. How did we get here?