Interviews about Raw Milk in Australia
Below is a collection of audio interviews involving people somehow connected to the raw milk industry in Australia. Most of the interviews have the audio file next to the story. If there is no audio file click on the blue highlighted wording for access to that particular interview. Some of the audio is streamed directly from the source.
Sacré bleu, don’t take away our Roquefort, Cheese enthusiast Will Studd was interviewed on ABC Blueprint (27 Jul 2019) about the federal Department of Agriculture’s review of the agreements between France and Australia over the import of raw milk cheese Roquefort.
Will Studd and the fight for raw milk cheese Part 2 (2 June 2019) and
Will Studd and the fight for raw milk cheese Part 1 (5 May 2019) were two excellent interviews about raw milk cheese history in Australia with Herds and Curds.
The dark side of dairy farming (2 Apr 2018) Cathy from How Now Dairy was interviewed about her high animal welfare cow-calf dairy. There is a brief discussion about raw milk in Australia as well.
Meet the Maker with Jannei Goat Dairy (1 Mar 2018) Janette was interviewed about her dairy and raw goat's milk.
Joost Bakker speaks about Raw Milk (14 Nov 2017). The interview on the right contains the raw milk discussion that was edited out. Edited version
The Big Cheese (9 April 2017) Nick Haddow speaks about raw milk cheese and the dire state of the Australian dairy industry.
Richard Thomas: Godfather of cheese (14 Mar 2017) he speaks about raw milk cheese and raw milk.
Goat Tourism (30 Jan 2017) a snapshot of Ebuta Raw Goat Milk in a 7 News story
Raw milk, Tasmania Talks (15 - 16 Nov 2016) Brian interviews Rowen Carter, operator of Huon Valley Caravan Park and Senator Jacqui Lambie.
Huon Valley Caravan park in hot water over raw milk (16 Nov 2016) Tasmania Talks Brian Carlton speaks with Rowen Carter about the farm activities that have landed him in hot water and the tremendous support he's had from the public. Also interviewed is Steve McCutcheon, CEO of Food Standards Australia New Zealand, Senator Jacqui Lambie and Steve Baldock, Tasmanian President of the Dairy Goat Association.
The Ebuta Story Brian and Jean Venten (20 Oct 2016) discuss their family business Ebuta Goat Dairy, nestled in the picturesque foothills of the Mt Elliott National Park on the outskirts of town out the Flinders Highway. They produce RAW goat milk.
Mark Tyler was interviewed by Ross Greenwood (31 March 2016) Mark speaks about being prosecuted for selling raw milk and what goes into creating the product.
Video: Farmers renew push to legalise raw milk (28 March 2016)
Raw Milk - The new Moonshine (23 March 2016) Matthew Evans and Nick Haddow are interviewed about raw milk as well as CEO Steve McCutcheon from Food Safety Australia New Zealand.
Rising demand for raw milk (with Steve Hook) (12 March 2016) Interviewed is Stephen Hook (UK raw milk producer), Adam Jenkins of the UDV and Lorraine Haase from Food Standards Australia and New Zealand.
UK-based dairy farmer backs raw milk consumption (8 March 2016) Steven Hook discusses raw milk production during his visit to Australia.
Dairy farmer shuts down a year on from raw milk regulation changes in Victoria (6 Jan 2016) Dairy farmer Reg Matthews discusses his decision to shut down his dairy (article here).
Uncovering the good and bad of raw milk & cheese (16 Sep 2015) Sydney Law School, Sydney University. This conversation event looks at what are the actual risks of raw milk/cheese, the associated social and ethical effects on public health, the regulatory changes needed and how Australia compares to the rest of the world. Join the Dr Christopher Degeling of the University of Sydney, Alanna Linn, a postgrad student at Monash University Faculty of Law exploring the contested regulatory landscape for raw milk in Australia and cheese expert Claudia Bowman of McIntosh & Bowman, for an insightful debate on the issue. Also read the Dairy Telegraph article about the event here.
Rebecca Freer interviewed on Fairdinkum radio
Leon and Rebecca from the Australian Raw Milk Movement discuss the latest in the Foodie Movement in Australia. Together we discuss the benefits of Raw Milk and Natural Foods free from industrialization, commercialization and bureaucratic interference.
Reg Matthews is interviewed on 3MP radio (Jun 2015)
Reg Matthews of Miranda Dale organic dairy was interviewed by Glenn Ridge of 3MP radio about Raw Milk in Australia and the need to create a regulated industry as in many countries like some US states, England and NZ.
Tyrone Brown and Karen Docherty interviewed on 3MP radio
On 30 May 2015 micro dairy raw milk producer Tyrone Brown from the Yarra Valley and Karen Docherty was interviewed by Richard Stockman for 3MP Radio 1377AM.
WA dairy owner says demand for raw goat milk strong (20 May 2015) Goat dairy farmer Mark Weston talks about the demand for raw goat milk, and how to milk a goat (article here).
The Raw Milk Debate Part 1 - Find out what really happened (The Enterprize Fitness Insider)
Rebecca Freer is interviewed for the Mr. Organic Show This interview is with Rebecca Freer from the Australian Raw Milk Movement. Rebecca has been a campaigner and activist against the Raw Milk ban laws in Victoria which has affected many organic dairy farmers and consumers.
Reg Matthews is interviewed for the Mr. Organic Show nterview with Reg Matthews - an organic dairy farmer from Western Victoria. Reg is currently an activist against the Raw Milk ban laws in Victoria.
Reg Matthews is interviewed by ABC rural (1 May) Reg says he lost 70% of his business following changes in raw milk regulation (article here).
United Dairy Farmers VIC votes down Raw Milk, Country Hour at 16min: 37sec (30 Apr 2015) Interviewed are Alice Korsten(sp?), Adam Jenkins of the UDV and Reg Matthews (raw milk producer).
Organic dairy farmers losing thousands of dollars under new Victorian raw milk laws (25 Mar 2015) Simon Schulz, Adam Jenkins, Minister Jane Garrett and Rebecca Freer were interviewed.
Rebecca discuss raw milk sales interviewed for ABC rural (24 Mar 2015) Founder of the Australian Raw Milk Movement Rebecca Freer is interviewed (article here).
Dairy Farmers, lobby groups and the Vic government on new raw milk laws (24 Mar 2015) Simon Schulz (raw milk producer) was interviewed, newly appointed Adam Jenkins of the UDV and Jane Garrett's comments (article here).
Mark Tyler speaks to ABC rural about Raw Milk demand (11 Dec 2014) This interview was recorded the day after the first 'killer milk' news report by the Herald Sun.
Victoria's Chief Health Officer Dr. Rosemary Lester, who quickly requested an ACCC investigation, and dairy farmer Vicki Jones are interviewed. 11 Dec 2014 Read the transcript here.
Moo View Dairy Raw Milk raids of 2013 interview with Anne Bressington
Anne Bressington joins Fairdinkum Radio to discuss the RAW MILK Raids on Moo View Dairy by Biosecurity SA on 13 May 2013. Anne, who is a shareholder in Moo View Dairy, speaks of the many health benefits she and her family have enjoyed from raw milk.
NZ sells raw milk (20 Dec 2013) This interview with a dairy farmer is about the sale of raw milk from the farm gate before the new raw milk regulations of 2016 took effect. (article here)
Video: From Farm to Kitchen - Where our milk comes from (10 Jul 2009) Arabella Forge talks to dairy farmer Ron Smith about pasture based dairy farming and the quality milk it produces.
Video: This video is a shortened version of the video that aired on 28 March 2016 on Australian television. The original is no longer available for view. For more information