The Australian media seems to enjoy slamming Chef Pete Evans over his controversial paleo lifestyle and the advice he gives despite not being a qualified nutritionist or a doctor. Whatever your opinion of Pete or Paleo, the fact is there is great evidence amongst his followers that they are finding health benefits from avoiding grains and sugar and instead eating more vegetables, pasture-raised meats, healthy fats etc.
Earlier this week an article by Nora Gedgaudas was shared on Chef Pete Evans' Facebook page about the virtues of Certified Raw Milk (amongst other things). The media lapped it up saying that Pete now backs raw milk.
After this article more surfaced ridiculing Pete. They were saying that he is suggesting to pregnant women that they should feed camel milk to their infants in this article. The Herald Sun called him a quack in this article. Pete say that the media is making up stories again. "The author who wrote that piece (Nora Gedgaudas) did say that camel's milk, more so than cows milk, is closer to human milk, but no where did it say that breastfeeding mothers should ditch breast milk for camels milk," Pete told SBS. He included some advice by nutritionist Helen Padarin, which said: "There is no doubt breast milk is the very best first food for your baby. It is liquid gold."
In another recent article by The Healthy Home Economist, Sarah writes about RAW camel milk for homemade baby formula. Read about it here.
Whatever your opinion about this may be, the fact is that RAW camel milk is consumed widely in the Middle East, North Africa and Asia among the local people. Even the USA have many camel dairies offering it unpasteurised direct to the public. This is not just any raw milk, this is milk carefully produced to be consumed raw. Raw milk is the first food of life and yes, people are giving it to their young children to drink as you can see in this short video:
Video: The camel milk revolution - coming to a store near you! At Desert Farms we want to encourage camel love around the world, we will change the perception of a much-misunderstood animal whose milk is most often called the "white gold of the desert."
Raw Camel Milk in the USA:
California based Desert redirects to Desert and say on their website that they ship world wide, with flags of many European countries where it can be shipped to, as well as a store locator with tags all over America. Founder Walid Abdul-Wahab's passion for camel milk began in Saudi Arabia when he was visiting his hometown of Jeddah where it is sold by the Bedouins. His website say that he realised that camel milk was being used medicinally in the Middle East and the in the US as an alternative treatment for children with autism and people with diabetes. We already know that there are studies that show the benefits of raw cow's milk, and now this website shows the science and research for camel milk too.
The first people to start the Camel Milk Revolution in the USA was one of Desert Farm's farmers in Missouri. The Amish community from Ohio and Pennsylvania acquired their camels originally from Australia. Over the last few years even the American media produced positive reports on the RAW camel milk. Only Australia still seem to avoid this issue of raw milk being happily and widely consumed overseas by people who wish to make an informed decision. Again, this is not just any kind of raw milk, this is milk specifically produced to be consumed raw under strict hygiene controls, making it a low risk raw milk.
Edit: Since January 2017 federal regulation prohibited the transport in interstate commerce intended for direct human consumption of raw milk. This left thousands of people scrambling for a new source of raw camel milk. According to this article, Walid estimated that well over 10,000 autistic children in the country consumed raw camel milk; only a small percentage of that number drink pasteurised camel milk. The FTCLDF aims to get rid of the cruel ban because it denies access to a product that they say alleviates the symptoms of the condition known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
If Victorians would like to try some (pasteurised) camel milk, see Camel Milk Victoria's website. The website contains some positive and encouraging Australian articles and interviews.
Create access to raw camel milk Australia!
It is time Australian authorities update their clearly outdated beliefs.
Consumers want real, life-giving, nutrient dense foods. Not sterile food from the industrial food system.
Image: The benefits of Camel Milk via Wellness Mama. The author says she prefers it raw.
Video: A quick overview of Desert Farms Camel Milk - straight from Paleo f(x) 2016. Video by Alex Fergus.
Video: Walid shares his unique story starting Desert Farms starting at time marker 9:35. Uploaded by Saudi-US Trade Group (SUSTG) on 2014-11-17.
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Camel Milk in Australia:
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Camilkdairy (Australia, Asia, America, Europe, Morocco)